• Reopening Message from Cartwright
    Posted on 09/11/2020
    Student studying at homeWe want to answer a question that’s been on parents’ minds: When will we return to in-person learning? Last night at our Governing Board meeting, the Covid-19 Task Force discussed the process we are establishing and presented updates, explaining how the Maricopa County metrics - "data dashboard" works. At the present time, the Cartwright community does not meet the required safety protocols needed to start a full in-person scenario, but we are hopeful the time is coming. Here is one benchmark we are following: For all people who reside in our zip codes: 85033, 85031, 85035, the goal is to have below 7% of the population testing positive for the Coronavirus. Right now, we are at an 18% positivity rate. That’s simply too high to make the decision to return for in-person learning at this time. We’ve also had an increase of cases this week.

    Because we can’t anticipate when the numbers will go down, we do not have a specific date to reopen. Each school district is different and their plans for reopening are based on their community. For example, the Phoenix Union High School District will remain on distance learning until the 3rd quarter in January 2021.

    Whether we are open for in-person or distance learning, Cartwright will continue to provide the best distance learning education possible and we will continue to put the safety of all first. Please continue to call the school if you have any questions or need support. We are working diligently and collectively to re-open at the safest possible time. We care deeply about our students and staff and we thank you for your continued patience and support.

    One Team, Una Familia!