•  Mission

    The mission of the Human Resources Department is to ensure the recruitment, selection and employment of the best-qualified personnel for each position in the District. The Cartwright Elementary School District is an equal opportunity organization and does not discriminate based on age, race, color, religion, sex, marital status, disability, or national origin.

    Our staff holds high expectations for themselves and our students, believing that all students can learn and succeed. The District engages in advocating, promoting, and securing the rights of all persons who are stakeholders in our educational community.

    Educators in the Cartwright School District collaborate as members of a professional learning community. That community fosters mutual cooperation, emotional support, and personal growth as we work to enrich the lives of our students and parents.

    Department Goals

    • To support expanding academic achievement through the employment and retention of quality personnel.
    • To focus on ensuring excellent customer service for all Cartwright Elementary School educational community members.
    • To promote Social and Emotional Learning by working to guarantee the fair and consistent treatment of all district personnel and constituent groups.