- Cartwright School District 83
- Dress Code
For Students
- 1st Grade
- 2nd Grade
- 3rd Grade
- 4th Grade
- 5th Grade
- 6th Grade
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
- Academics
- Aguila Youth Leadership College and Career Program
- Assessments
- Athletics
- District Dress Code
- Dual Language
- Forms
- Gifted Programs
- Kindergarten
- School Menus
- Instrumental Music
- Field Trips
- At Home Learning Guide
The dress code policy is designed to help create a safe and positive learning environment that encourages all student scholars to achieve their full potential. The district encourages students to take pride in their attire as it relates to the school setting. Students must wear the appropriate dress attire durin
g the school day and at school-sponsored activities. Specialty Schools: Schools tha
t have been renamed will maintain the uniform. Uniforms are intended to promote a culture of belonging and pride and showcase the uniqueness of each school. Uniforms: The Cartwright School District has adopted student uniforms and a dress code has been established for all schools to promote learning, increase safety on school grounds, foster unity, and minimize clothing expenses.
• Tops: Collared shirts with no logos, no stripes, or designs.
Please check with your school for the colors that are allowed. If your student transfers to a school within our district, he or she may we ar the collared shirts approve d at the previous school at th e new school or be given the opportunity to exchange the shirt(s) for the color worn at the new school. The school may offer a t-shirt with the school logo for purchase. • Bottoms: Pants, shorts,
jumpers, skirts, or skorts (no stripes or designs). Please c heck with your school for the colors that are allowed. Denim pants (no tears, rips, holes) will be allowed. No student shall be denied enr
ollment the day they enroll du e to not having the required u niform attire. Schools will work with parents to make school shirts affordable. If needed please seek assistance from your school. District Policy (Board Policy
JICA) prohibits school dress o r grooming practices that: • Present a hazard to the
health or safety of the studen t or to others in the school. • Materially interfere wit
h schoolwork, create disorder, or disrupt the education prog ram. • Cause excessive wear or
damage to school property • Convey affiliation with
a criminal street gang • Display discriminatory, defamatory or obscene language or symbols, or symbols of sex, drugs, or alcohol
• State, imply, or depict
hate speech/imagery targeting groups based on race, ethnicit y, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, or any other protected classification Students in violation of the dress code
will be required to change clothes and/or face disciplinary action. Appropriate dress attire inclu
des the following (Board Polic y JICA-RA): • Students must wear a shirt
with pants or skirt or the eq uivalent. • Clothing must not be see-
through and must cover a stude nt’s undergarments and torso, when standing or sitting. • Shoes must be worn at all