• Teacher showing a boy and a girl something on a blue iPad

    A gifted child is a pupil of superior intellect, or advanced learning ability, who requires a differentiated curriculum to achieve at levels commensurate with the child’s intellect and ability.  

    • Gifted pupils can be found in all domains of intelligence.

      • Individuals with twice-exceptional abilities, and talents
      • English language learners
      • All cultural and linguistic groups 
      • All economic levels 

    Upon achieving a score of 88% on an Arizona State-Approved Test, pupils in the Cartwright School District are identified as gifted in an area of verbal, quantitative, and/or nonverbal.  

    It is the philosophy of our gifted program to:

    • Help pupils develop their extraordinary abilities
    • Recognize that gifted pupils in this district have unique values, needs, and talents

    The gifted program in the Cartwright Elementary School District is designed to develop gifted pupils’ intellectual, emotional, and social abilities and to honor the diversity among pupils identified as gifted through a differentiated and challenging curriculum.

    • Higher level thinking skills are consistently incorporated within a highly flexible environment where curriculum compacting, acceleration, and enrichment are all integrated into daily lessons.
    • Teachers create differentiated lessons using content, process, product, and learning environment to accommodate their gifted pupils by: 
    • Flexible Grouping 
    • Compacted Curriculum
    • Higher Order Thinking/Questions/Assessments (DOK levels 3 & 4 and Bloom’s: Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating)
    • Independent Study/Independent Investigations 
    • Tiered Tasks
    • Extension Menus/Choice Boards/Product Choice
    • Learning Stations
    • Curriculum Acceleration
    • STEAM Lab
    • Genius Hour.