• Picture of GATE  Gifted and Talented text


    Testing Instruments 


    Cartwright offers 2 testing instruments to identify gifted pupils. The Naglieri Non-Verbal Ability Test (NNAT3) and The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). Testing is offered several times throughout the school year.





    Gifted Testing

    • September 16th - October 2nd - Fall Testing 3rd-8th
    • Based on AZMERIT Data
    • January 13th - February 13th - Mid-Year Testing 1st - 8th
    • Nominations Accepted December 9th - 20th
    • February 10th - 13th - 5th Grade Blanket Test
    • March 24th - 27th - 2nd Grade Blanket Test
    • April 22nd - May 16th - Spring Testing 
    • Kindergarten - 8th (except 2nd grade)
    • Nominations Accepted March 1st - 10th


    There are 2 different programming options for scholars who test at 88% or higher on either gifted assessment.


    Cluster Grouping

    Pupils who qualify for the Cartwright Gifted Program (88% or higher) are placed in a gifted cluster classroom and receive site-based services.  The Gifted Program services cluster pupils by grade level after being identified on the CogAT or NNAT3. Gifted program services offer grade level mastery, compacted curriculum, differentiation, enrichment, and extensions, project-based research, mentoring and the use of technology for gifted pupils. 


    Gifted Academies

    Highly performing or highly achieving pupils in grades k-6 and pupils who qualify at 88% or above are invited to attend the Tarver GiftedTarver Gifted Academy Academy located at Bret R. Tarver Leadership Academy.  


    Highly performing or highly achieving pupils in grades 7-8 and pupils who qualify at 88% or above are invited to attend the Marc T. Atkinson Gifted Academy Teachers at the gifted academies utilize differentiation, enrichment, and curriculum extension strategies to meet mastery of grade level standards.