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The Center for Strong Families and Thriving Children is open and ready to serve our families who need it the most. The center provides food, clothing and resources like literacy, parent workshops, and support & readiness tools for our incoming kindergarten scholars and their parents.
If you are interested in more information please call: (623) 691-1994.
Another important function of our center is the Safe Schools and Social Emotional Learning Department (SEL). Our team focuses on supporting your children with any social-emotional needs they may have. We are excited to announce that:-
Every school has a counselor available for our scholars.
Every school has a Response to Intervention Behaviorist (RTIB).
We have social workers that are available to support you and your needs at the Center for Strong Families and Thriving Children.
We also have McKinney Vento liaison who is here to support any families struggling with homelessness please contact us at: 623-691-1984
Sarah Hernandez, our Assistant Director of Child Welfare and Attendance is at the center as well. Reach out to her if your scholar is having attendance issues you need help with at 623-691-1974.
Other services we provide:
A lending library
Information regarding the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act
“YOU” Your Child’s First Teacher parent workshops
Salvation Army Christmas Angels Program (Aug-Sept)
St. Mary's Food Bank food pantry (first come, first serve)
Community resource referrals (phone contacts) including:
Domestic Violence assistance
Financial assistance
Food assistance
Preschool Child Care
After School Activities
Come by and visit us anytime! We are open year-round from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. We are located right next to Bret R. Tarver School, our address is 4308 N. 51st Ave., Suite 103, Phoenix, AZ 85031.
The Cartwright Center for Strong Families and Thriving Children is here to serve you; we hope to see you soon! -